In 2021, Cassandra was supported by:

The first edition was a success!

On behalf of EURECAT, the Technology Centre of Catalonia, with the support of UNESCO, the European Commission, the World Alliance for Water Quality, the Union for the Mediterranean, the World Bank, and the African Council of Ministers for Water we would like to share with you our pleasure at having organised the Cassandra Conference.

We are also pleased to inform you that the repository of the video content of Cassandra is already available, in case you have missed one of the interesting and lively panels.

Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the Cassandra conference experts and start acting by disseminating its contents through social networks!


What information you’ll get:

  • Climate change in the Mediterranean
  • Climate change and its effects on health, migration, conflicts and gender inequality
  • Scientific and technological solutions to climate change
  • A new Mediterranean approach

‘Possible reactions by the privileged and powerful range from mass slaughter to humane integration. Speculation is idle. What’s needed is hard work to civilize our societies.’ – Noam Chomsky speaking about CASSANDRA 2021 – 29/07/2021


15th NOV 21 | 11:00 to 16:30 CET

15th NOV 21 | 11:00 to 11:30 CET

Panel One: Climate Change in the Mediterranean
15th NOV 21 | 11:30 to 12:30 CET

Panel Two: Climate Change, health and migration
15th NOV 21 | 12.30 to 13.30 CET

Panel three: Climate Change and Conflict
15th NOV 21 | 14.30 to 15:30 CET

Panel Four: EBB and Flow
15th NOV 21 | 15:30 to 16.30 CET

16th NOV 21 | 10:00 to 16:30 CET

Panel Five: Climate Change and Gender Inequality
16th NOV 21 | 10:00 to 11:30 CET

Panel Six: The Mediterranean Renaissance
16th NOV 21 | 11:30 to 13:00 CET

Panel Seven: Scientific and Technological solutions
16th NOV 21 | 14.00– 16.30 CET

17th NOV 21 | 10:30 to 17:00 CET

Panel Eight: The Role of the Artist and the Writer
17th NOV 21 | 10:30 to 12:00 CET

Panel Nine: The role of the People
17th NOV 21 | 12:00 to 13:00 CET

Panel Ten: science and social consensus in the Mediterranean
17th NOV 21 | 14.00 to 16.00 CET

Conclusions: The road ahead
17th NOV 21 | 16:00 to 17:00 CET



Introduction Session
15th NOV 21
11:00 to 11:30 CET

Panel with autorities and mamangers of the collaborators companies.More information »

Panel One: Climate Change in the Mediterranean
15th NOV 21
11:30 to 12:30 CET

What are and will be the environmental consequences of Climate Change in the Mediterranean?More information »

Panel Two: Climate Change, Health and Migration
15th NOV 21
12.30 to 13:30 CET

Climate change will affect the safety and health of communities and populations globally. This results in migration which will escalate in the future. Migration, be it an internal rural-urban movement, regional population shifts, or international displacement can be perceived as a threat and thus be manipulated by extreme political influences in a negative way. It is significant to note that perceived insecurity is more critical than actual insecurity.More information »

Panel Three: Climate Change and conflict
15th NOV 21
14:30 to 15.30 CET

As the socio-political events that followed the exodus of approximately two million people escaping the devastating effects of a civil war in Syria and unrest in Libya, symptomatic of a process of dislocation reshaping the Levant, the Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa so cruelly demonstrated, the reaction of the international community was, instead of aid and comprehension, one of increasing right-wing nationalism, the closing of borders and internal political dispute in many of the wealthier receiving nations. One must ask that if a crisis affecting approximately 3 million people could produce such a negative response what would the consequences of 200 million people seeking peace, sustenance or simple humanitarian support be?More information »

Panel Four: EBB and Flow
15th NOV 21
15:30 to 16.30 CET

The World Bank will present a report which explores the why, who, where and what at the nexus of water and migration, and the implications for economic development. Volume 1 of the report titled Ebb and Flow: Water, Migration, and Development provides the first ever global assessment of these issues and how they relate to migration within national borders. The new analyses therein highlight important nuances that are critical for policy design and building resilience within communities. Volume 2 of the report titled Ebb and Flow: Water in the Shadow of Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa provides unique regional insights into water and migration dynamics.More information »

Panel Five: Climate change and Gender Inequality
16th NOV21
10:00 to 11:30 CET

The increase and deepening of gender inequality is another potential consequence of Climate Change. Women are likely to be disproportionately affected due to climate change because on average women tend to be poorer, less educated, have a lower health status and have limited direct access to or ownership of natural resources. Both the process (actual movement) and the outcomes (rural–rural or rural–urban migration, out-migration mainly of men) of climate change-induced migration are also likely to be highly gendered.More information »

Panel Six: The Mediterranean Reinassance
16th NOV 21
11:30 to 13:00 CET

A new Mediterranean approach, a new CREED initiated by science and technology to address the issues will be encouraged. Collaboration between all sectors and regions and Recognition of the importance of gender-based issues, mutual problems and the benefits of joining forces. Awareness is vital but the Engagement of all members of Mediterranean Society in addressing Climate Change, Migration and Gender is what ultimately will result in change. Engagement does not mean forming part of a passive audience but rather that all people have the opportunity to proactively create and implement solutions. The importance of Empathy as opposed to distrust and enmity and continuous Dialogue and knowledge exchange between all concerned will be highlighted and encouraged.

During this session, the book ‘The Gateway to the Future of the Mediterranean’ published by the European Commission will be presented.More information »

Panel Seven: Scientific and Technological Solutions
16th NOV 21
14:00 to 16:30 CET

The panel will demonstrate the latest technological and scientific advances which can provide solutions and progress regarding the pathway of Climate Change and Health, Migration, Conflict and Gender Inequality, both separately and as a whole, contributing to proactive planning and policy co-creation that will be essential to mitigate the potential impacts on health resulting from climate change, leading potentially to migration, conflict and the exasperation of the secondary status of women throughout the Mediterranean region. The scientific and technological answers exist. Now Science must assume its role as an independent non-political leader in the resolution of social crises. Solutions concerning water, air quality, food production, transport, residues, energy, soil, mountains and deltas will be presented.More information »

Panel Eight: The Role of the Artist and the Writter
17th NOV 21
10.30 to 12:00 CET

The Arts and the press have a vital role to play, providing stimulating emotional links between the challenges which the Mediterranean face and the sensitivity of its people. The panel will explore the importance of art and communication and its capacity to involve all Mediterranean people in confronting the issues at hand.

An exhibition of a strong visual content will be presented in parallel to CASSANDRA 2021. Co-organised with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, it will be entitled THE MEDUSA NEXUS: WOMEN IN THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN and will seek to connect technology to Mediterranean cultural stimuli in order to create awareness.More information »

Panel Nine: The Role of the People
17th NOV 21
12:00 to 13:00 CET

All social sectors must be involved in the co-creation and implementation of policies aimed at mitigating the devastating effects of climate change. This becomes even more effective if supranational strategies are implemented at a municipal level and the role of ordinary citizens is made a priority.

During the course of this Panel, the acclaimed writer Professor David Feldman of the University California (Irvine) will present his latest book to be published in 2022 which explores the challenges entailed in ensuring that successful public engagement efforts enable inclusive representation by focusing on power sharing and equity.More information »

Panel Ten: Science and Social Consensus in the Mediterranean
17th NOV 21
14:00 to 16:00 CET

How do we establish the Mediterranean Region as a leader in science and technology addressing the relationship between Climate Change and Health, Migration, Conflict and Gender Inequality?More information »

17th NOV 21
16:00 to 17:00 CET

The road aheadMore information »