Panel seven: Scientific and Technological Solution

16th NOV 2021 | 14.00 to 16.30 CET


The panel will demonstrate the latest technological and scientific advances which can provide solutions and progress regarding the pathway of Climate Change and Health, Migration, Conflict and Gender Inequality, both separately and as a whole, contributing to proactive planning and policy co-creation that will be essential to mitigate the potential impacts on health resulting from climate change, leading potentially to migration, conflict and the exasperation of the secondary status of women throughout the Mediterranean region. The scientific and technological answers exist. Now Science must assume its role as an independent non-political leader in the resolution of social crises. Solutions concerning water, air quality, food production, transport, residues, energy, soil, mountains and deltas will be presented.


Presenter: XAVIER MARTÍNEZ, Environmental Scientist, Eurecat


Speakers in this session (PART ONE)


PERNILLE WEISS, Member, European Parliament

CARLES IBÁÑEZ MARTÍ, Scientific Director, Climate Resilience Centre and Head of Climate Change Research, Eurecat

PROF. CHRYSI LASPIDOU, Vice-President of Research and Technology, Water Europe

EVA HERNANDEZ, Initiative Lead, Living European Rivers, World Wildlife Fund




JOSE JORGE ESPÍ GALLART, Head of Sustainable Impact, Eurecat


PhD SANDRA CASAS GARRIGA, Responsible for Water research line at Water, Air and Soil unit, Eurecat

INÊS BREDA, Emerging Water Leader & Product and Process Manager, IWA

XAVIER DOMINGO, Director of the Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) unit, Eurecat

Speakers (part one)


Member, European Parliament

Pernille Weiss is a Member of the European Parliament and the EPP Group as well as Chair of the MEP Water Group. She is a member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety as well as the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. She is a trained nurse, holds a Cand.scient. in Health Sciences and a Master of Innovation and Leadership (LAICS) and is a certified sexologist. Prior to entering the European Parliament, Pernille Weiss ran her own company for 12 years.


Scientific Director, Climate Resilience Centre and Head of Climate Change Research, Eurecat

Senior Researcher at EURECAT, Technological Institute of Catalonia. Former Head of the Aquatic Ecosystems Program of IRTA (2005-2017), a public research institute of the Government of Catalonia. PhD in Biology from the University of Barcelona and post-doc in the Laboratory of Fluvial System Ecology of CNRS (France). Visiting researcher at the Socio-ecological Synthesis National Centre of United States (University of Maryland). He has 30 years of research experience in the field of aquatic, coastal and wetland ecology, climate change impacts and adaptation, sustainable management of water resources and environmental management, with circa 100 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals and 15 books and book chapters.


Vice-President of Research and Technology, Water Europe

Chrysi Laspidou is a Professor at the Civil Engineering Department, University of Thessaly, Greece. She is the Vice-President of Research and Technology at Water Europe and a member of the Steering Committees of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Knowledge Action Network at Future Earth and the Nexus project cluster. Her research interests include resource Nexus and water informatics, mathematical modelling and simulation of physical-chemical and biological processes in natural aquatic systems, urban water issues, resource depletion and sustainability, and water-carbon-ecological footprint. She has published over 60 articles, and she coordinates or participates as principal investigator in a remarkable number of European projects.


Initiative Lead, Living European Rivers, World Wildlife Fund

Eva Hernández Herrero leads WWF’s Living European Rivers initiative, coordinating actions for the protection of the last free flowing rivers in Europe, for the removal of dams and barriers and for other river restoration measures as Nature-based Solutions for Climate adaptation, as well as to leverage investment in river and wetland restoration. Over 20 years, she has worked on water policy and management, farming and rural development policy, on public participation, best farming practices, freshwater ecosystem restoration and land use planning. Ms. Hernández is member of the Water Specialist Group in MedWet Scientific and Technical Network, has a BSc in Biology and an MSc in Environmental Management and Policy.

Speakers (part two)


Head of Sustainable Impact, Eurecat

José Espí. Head of Sustainable impact in EURECAT. Chemistry degree from the University of Valencia (2006). He holds the Industrial Environment certificate awarded by The Network of Technology Institutes of the Valencian Region (REDIT). He has an extensive experience in environmental indicators analysis and impact interpretation through different methodologies like Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and eco-efficiency analysis, where he has developed his research career. He is also specialized in the analysis of waste management alternatives as well as in the development and implementation of ecodesign methodologies.



Dr Lydia S. Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia has an engineering background, with expertise and research interests focused mainly on computational modelling and hydroinformatics. Since 2019 she works at KWR (, Netherlands, where she is the director of the international collaboration network Watershare ( Before joining KWR Lydia was, since 2003, a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, UK, and still maintains a part-time position there. Over the course of many years, she has also developed an extensive track record and expertise in international and EU-funded grants and projects: organising and winning bids, managing, advising, guiding and supervising teams of researchers, evaluating proposals and projects, and being involved as a stakeholder in EC consultation groups. Since 2013, she has been in the leading group of the ICT4WATER cluster (, coordinating all the Action Groups.


Responsible for Water research line at Water, Air and Soil unit, Eurecat

PhD Chemical Engineer (Environmental Engineering) (UPC, 2011) is the Responsible of Water research Line at Fundació EURECAT in the area of Environmental Sustainability. She has experience in water treatment technologies using both conventional and advanced systems, especially those involving membranes for water reclamation.


Emerging Water Leader & Product and Process Manager, IWA

Emerging Water Leader at the International Water Association (IWA) working as Product and Process Manager at Eurowater A/S – a Grundfos company. Specialised in drinking water production with experience in the private and public sector after an industrial PhD at the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience of Aalborg University. Passionate about data science and international collaborations. Driving initiatives on bringing research closer to practice through active roles in the Danish Water Forum, the Programme Committee of IWA World Congress & Exhibition 2022, the board of Young Water Professionals in Denmark, and the digital-based solutions group of Engineers Without Borders Denmark.


Director of the Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) unit, Eurecat

Xavier Domingo is the director of the Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) unit at the Eurecat Technology Centre. He has an Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Lleida (UdL) and a degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He has extensive experience in the use of Artificial Intelligence methodologies and techniques supported by hybrid IoT architectures with analytical capabilities for small/BIG data, including smart platforms with Industry 4.0 technologies, solutions for predictive maintenance, resource planning and optimisation, machinery oversight and control and traceability applied to the manufacturing industry, as well as applications in other sectors such as resources (water and energy), aerospace, logistics, the environment and climate change and agri-food. He has worked as a senior consultant for companies on issues related to workflow management, logistics optimisation, fleet management and personal and transport fleet security systems for around 20 years. He works with ESADE and CIHEAM-IAMZ and is an Associate Professor at the University of Lleida’s (UdL) Department of Information Technology and Industrial Engineering (DIEI).