Panel One: Climate Change in the Mediterranean

15th Nov 2021 | 11:30 to 12:30 CET


What are and will be the environmental consequences of Climate Change in the Mediterranean?


Presenter: IRENE JUBANY, Scientific Coordinator, Sustainability Area, Eurecat

Speakers in this session:

Prof. Dr. WOLFGANG CRAMER, Coordinator, MEDECC

NINA RAASAKKA, Coordinator, World Water Quality Alliance of United Nations Environment Programme

PAUL ORENGOH, General Director, African Minister Council of Water

NAOMI TSUR, Founder and Chair, Jerusalem Green Fund



Coordinator, MEDECC

Professor Dr Wolfgang Cramer, environmental geographer and global ecologist, is research director (CNRS) at the Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), in Aix-en-Provence (France). Wolfgang Cramer received his academic training at the Universities of Gießen/Germany (geography, diploma 1981) and Uppsala/Sweden (plant ecology, Ph.D. 1986) The scientific contributions by Cramer’s research group (150+ papers) were initially in the area of modelling forest dynamics under climate change. He then began to seek a broader understanding of biosphere dynamics at the global and continental scale, including aspects of natural and human disturbance as well as biodiversity. Since 1992, Wolfgang Cramer is a contributor in many roles to the IPCC (Peace Nobel Prize 2007), currently working as Lead Author for the Sixth Assessment Report. With Joël Guiot, he coordinates the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change, MedECC.


Coordinator, World Water Quality Alliance Global Environment Monitoring Unit, Science Division, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

In her role as Coordinator of the World Water Quality Alliance Nina is coordinating and leading in implementation of the work of the World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA), a voluntary and flexible global multi-stakeholders network that advocates the central role of freshwater quality in achieving prosperity and sustainability. Prior to this she has worked with the World Food Programme and UNEP on development and implementation of climate and resilience projects with a focus on Africa and South East Asia; and with the European Commission DG Environment and Acclimatise Ltd, with a background in implementing cross-cutting environment and climate projects with national governments with a focus on water management, ecosystem-based adaptation, environmental policymaking, and urban resilience.


General Director, African Minister Council of Water

I am a concept to execution driver with extensive experience in developing, managing, and implementing complex projects and programs on water resources and ecosystems management, watershed planning and management, climate change and adaptation across countries in Africa and the Middle East. I am currently the Director of Programs at African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) based in Abuja, Nigeria where I play a critical role in setting and executing Africa’s water and sanitation sector agenda as the technical figurehead within the African Union framework which recognizes AMCOW as the continent’s premier water and sanitation body under the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment. Prior to this, I served in various capacities across multiple organizations including the World Bank where I led the Water Security & Climate Resilience Program in Kenya, RTI International where I served as Senior Coordinator for Water & Ecosystems Management Centre overseeing Africa and the Middle East operations, and various other roles with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) including Deputy Chief of Party & Field Coordinator for the ProMara Program among other senior technical and managerial portfolios. I am a PhD holder in Environmental Sciences from the University of East London, in addition to other professional and academic certifications in water economics, natural resources management, international development and strategic communications. I am also a certified Water Rights Expert with the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, otherwise called the African Court of Justice, and have in the recent past been called upon to provide expert opinions in specific water access related litigations. I have authored a number of publications, chapters in books, and also contributed to papers during development of peer-reviewed journals on a range of subjects, including, including water security, conservation education, hydro-diplomacy, water rights, among others.


Founder and Chair, Jerusalem Green Fund

Naomi Tsur is an environmental entrepreneur and former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem (2008-2014), responsible for strategic planning, sustainability and historic conservation. 2009 – Tsur initiated a global network bringing together pilgrimage cities and faith communities with the goal of greening both pilgrims’ destinations and their journeys. Previously, as head of the S.P.N.I Jerusalem, Tsur fought many public environmental battles, most significantly to prevent urban sprawl into the Jerusalem Hills. While in City Hall, she integrated urban nature into city planning, promoting major projects, such as community gardens, the Gazelle Valley Urban Nature Park and the Railway Park. Tsur stands at the head of the Israel Urban Forum, and is Founder and Executive Chair of the Jerusalem Green Fund, ( ) established in 2015, a cooperative philanthropy. Tsur co-chairs the Jerusalem Water Forum, in which municipal experts join forces with civil society organizations to formulate water policy for the city. Tsur heads the Sustainable Jerusalem Lobby, which she founded in 2018, a coalition of neighborhoods, organizations, academia and businesses that work with city hall to prepare Jerusalem for the impacts of climate change, while working to cut down emissions and advance sustainability in and around Jerusalem. Tsur writes and lectures on urban sustainability and participatory democracy. She is a senior contributor to “The Nature of Cities” ( . Recently Tsur has led an international team in developing an ethical code for water in cities.