PANEL SEVEN: Data to action – Knowledge to effect
14th NOV 2023 | 14.00 to 16.30 CET
Data to Action is a process whereby raw data is collected and analysed to inform decision-making and actionable tasks by communities at a local, sub-national, national and supranational level. The process involves identifying patterns or trends, making decisions, and subsequently acting based on the proven results of monitoring and investigation. There exist many scientific and technological solutions to identified problems. But how can data be converted into action, and how can knowledge be converted into tangible, in situ improvement? The panel will demonstrate the latest technological and scientific advances which can provide solutions and progress regarding the pathway of Climate Change and Health, Migration, Conflict and Gender Inequality, both separately and as a whole. Science must assume its role as an independent, non-political leader in the resolution of social crises. Solutions concerning water, air quality, food production, transport, residues, energy and soil, will be presented.
MELCHIOR ELSLER, Associate Expert, GEMS/Water, UNEP, Nairobi
Speakers in this session (PART ONE):
NATACHA AMORSI, Project coordinator, OiEau (International Office for Water)
CRISTIAN CARBONI, Leader of the Working Group Water & Public Health, Water Europe
NEUS BAHÍ, Laboratory Manager, Department of the Sustainability Area, Eurecat
DAVID SÁNCHEZ-DOMENE, Advance Researcher, Unit of Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact, Eurecat
Speakers in this session (PART TWO):
BRYAN SPEARS, Principal Research Scientist, Freshwater Ecology, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK
RUTH SPENCER, Chair, Marine Ecosystems Protected Areas (MEPA)
QUERALT PLANA, Researcher, UT Water, Air and Soil, Eurecat
SÍLVIA FRÍAS, Climate Change Researcher, Climate Change Research Department of the Sustainability Area, Eurecat
Associate Expert, GEMS/Water, UNEP, Nairobi
Speakers in this session (PART ONE):
Project coordinator, OiEau (International Office for Water)
Leader of the Working Group Water & Public Health, Water Europe
Laboratory Manager, Department of the Sustainability Area, Eurecat
Graduated in Chemistry Degree from the Ramon Llull University on 1996 with Analysis Specialty and Chemical Engineer from the Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS) on 1997
She got a master’s degree in Technology and Environmental Management on 2001 and Industrial Risk Prevention on 2009.
After many professional experiences on different industries, since 2007 she joined to Centre Technologic of Manresa (CTM), at this moment Eurecat, participating in more than 100 research projects, both European and national projects.
During the last 15 years she’s the head of the Sustainability laboratories in Eurecat, carrying out experimental, analytical and management tasks.
Her fields of expertise are basically analytical analysis in environmental samples, mainly water, soil, and waste samples.
Moreover, also leading the advanced technical services carried out for private companies in multiple sectors.
Advance Researcher, Unit of Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact, Eurecat
David Sánchez-Domene had a degree in Biology and a MsC in Management and Restoration of the Natural Environment, both at the University of Alicante, and a PhD in Ecotoxicology by the São Paulo State University. Since 2018 David has been working as a specialist in industrial sustainability, with special emphasis on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in different sectors such as fashion, food, chemical, polymers, waste treatment, etc. He joined to Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact Unit of EURECAT’s Sustainability Area in 2019 as advance researcher to conduct environmental assessments and ecodesign products and processes for private sector and R&D projects at a regional and European level.
There will be a ten-minute coffee break between part one and part two)
Speakers in this session (PART TWO):
Principal Research Scientist, Freshwater Ecology, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK
Bryan has studied the impacts of human activity on freshwater ecosystems for over 20 years; from assessing the impacts of climate change on glacial run-off to the ocean to assessing the ecological damage caused by the Kakhovka Dam breach, Ukraine. Central to this work is producing evidence from monitoring data to inform on the ground action. Bryan is a co-founder of the International Society of Limnology Working Group on Lake Restoration which works across borders to support data to action in developing economies. Bryan also co-chairs the UNEP World Water Quality Alliance working group on Ecosystem Restoration and contributes to the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management. Bryan is the Director of the Global Environment Facility Project Towards Sustainable Phosphorus Cycle in Lakes (uP-Cycle).
Chair, Marine Ecosystems Protected Areas (MEPA)
Researcher, UT Water, Air and Soil, Eurecat
Queralt Plana holds a PhD in Water Engineering from Université Laval (Québec, Canada) in the Department of Civil Engineering and Water Engineering, since 2020. During her professional career, she has dedicated herself to the online monitoring and modelling of wastewater treatment plants and rivers, and the analysis of long data series. She currently works as an advanced researcher at Eurecat in the Water, Air and Soil Unit of the Sustainability Area, on modelling of environmental processes, urban water cycle and climate change impact on water. She also participates in national and international R+D projects and proposals.
Climate Change Researcher, Climate Change Research Department of the Sustainability Area, Eurecat
Silvia is a researcher at the Climate Change Research Department of Eurecat working on coastal ecosystem restoration, and mitigation and adaptation to climate change. She holds a master’s degree in Oceanography and Marine Environmental Management (University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology (Pompeu Fabra University). She has previously been involved in research projects covering the resilience of small-scale bivalve fisheries in the Ebro Delta, the impacts of global change on red coral populations in the Mediterranean, the local adaptation of the Atlanto-Mediterranean sea urchins to climate change and has co-authored several scientific publications. She was also granted by the European Eurodyssey Programme to work as field technician for birds monitoring in SPEA Madeira. She has ample experience in international project management and has previously worked as Scientific Project Manager at the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation and at Ocean Ecostructures promoting marine ecosystem restoration through different technological solutions. Silvia also has experience in science outreach, having served as scientific advisor for the television program ‘Quèquicom’, and as a board member of the Catalan Association for Science Communication.