PANEL FOUR: Climate change and migration

13th NOV 2023 | 15.30 to 16.30 CET


Migration provoked by climate change will escalate in the future. Migration, be it an internal rural-urban movement, regional population shifts, or international displacement, can be perceived as a threat and thus be manipulated by extreme political influences in a negative way.  It is significant to note that perceived insecurity is more critical than actual insecurity.


  • BIEL QUER, Unit Manager, International Proposals and Coordination, Eurecat

Speakers in this session:

  • IRINA CALANCEA, Europe Innovation Officer, Veolia

  • CHRISTOPH DEUSTER, Project Officer, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)

  • VALENTINA BRINIS, Advocacy Officer, Open Arms



Unit Manager, International Proposals and Coordination, Eurecat

MSc in Environmental Policy, Planning and Regulation at the London School of Economics. Bachelors Degree in Political Science at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. With over 15 years of experience in R&D Projects, I am the Head of Unit for EU Programmes at EURECAT. Throughout my professional career I have contribute to the development and upscaling of technologies in the fields of climate, natural resources, governance, advanced materials, and mobility. I have participated in over 20 European projects set to improve the environment, biodiversity and society and I devote my professional career to develop new endeavours that have a positive sustainable impact.



Europe Innovation Officer, Veolia

Irina Calancea works for Veolia as en Europe Innovation Officer and member of Water Europe “Water and Public health” Working Group graduated within the Paris Pantheon-Assas University.
Irina has international experience in two leading companies within the environmental sector in Europe and the United States.
Her interest in climate change topics led her to be part of the publications of White Papers, volunteering in Africa for drinking water projects, etc.
Irina is also a facilitator of the “Climate Fresk” and “Water Fresk” for public and professionals having the goal to raise awareness of climate change and its impacts on the water resource and human activities.


Project Officer, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Christoph Deuster works for the Demography and Migration Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). Prior to joining the JRC, he completed work assignments in the Migration units of the United Nations Population Division and the Institute for Employment Research. He obtained his PhD in Economics in 2018 from Université catholique de Louvain and Nova School of Business and Economics. His academic research focusses on topics in the fields of population economics, international migration, and climate change. At JRC, he works on supporting EU policies with independent evidence in the area of migration and climate change.


Advocacy Officer, Open Arms

Valentina Brinis is a sociologist with a relevant experience on migration topic, focusing on asylum seekers and refugees. She has been the coordinator of the legal desk of A Buon Diritto Onlus, staff member of the Extraordinary Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the Reception System. Until the end of 2018, she was Integration Expert at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; she is currently Advocacy Officer at the NGO Open Arms.
She is the author of several essays and books on migration topic. The last is “Come onde del mare. Diario di bordo di una esperienza umanitaria” published by Castelvecchi Editor in 2022.